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5 Things To Expect From Your Contractor During A Commercial HVAC Service

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A large part of keeping a commercial HVAC in good condition lies in seeking regular maintenance from a contractor or technician. However, more than that, it’s equally important to know exactly what that service entails. This way, not only will you be informed about your HVAC’s service needs, you will also be in a position to know if your contractor is doing a good job or not. Below, learn about the 5 main things you should expect during such a service. Read More»

5 Budget-Friendly Secrets to Keeping a Warehouse Cool

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When the temperature in your warehouse rises too high, your workers, machinery and stored goods can be put at risk. During a hot summer, warehouses can quickly become unbearably hot, as the heat from the sun combines with heat produced by the equipment and people inside the building. To keep temperatures under control, you need to set up an internal cooling system that can efficiently combat the rising heat. 1. Use a Reflective Roof Coating Read More»

Air conditioning 101 | 3 common condenser problems

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The air conditioner condenser is one of the most important parts of an AC. It’s the unit that’s located outside the home, and its main purpose is to convert the refrigerant gas into liquid. This condensation is what releases heat to the outside, and the liquid moves back to the house to cool it. A malfunction on the condenser will have severe effects on the AC’s ability to properly cool down the house. Read More»

Replacement Ducted Air Conditioning: Can You Reuse The Ducts Or Do You Need New Ones?

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Buying an older home means you sometimes have a dilemma on your hands when it comes to tackling repair jobs that are needed around the home. Something that appears to be a simple fix may become a big drama because of the age of the existing structure. Take the situation where your ducted air conditioning unit has finally given up the ghost and needs replacing. Is it just a simple case of installing a new unit? Read More»

Tips for Choosing the Right Industrial Air Conditioner for Your Facility

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An industrial air conditioner typically needs to be more powerful than a home air conditioner since it’s usually cooling a much larger space than a residential home, and yet also work just as quietly and efficiently. This is so that workers are not interrupted by its sound every time it kicks on and so that you aren’t overpaying for utilities every summer season. Because an industrial air conditioner is often more expensive and needs to be more powerful than a home unit, you want to ensure you take your time to shop for the best choice for your facility. Read More»

How to Complete an Annual House Inspection

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In order to keep your house in good condition, it requires occasional maintenance and repairs. Before you figure out what maintenance needs to be done, you need to perform an inspection. Here are some tips for completing the inspection of different areas of your home. HVAC A good place to start when doing an annual house inspection is to check that the HVAC system is in good working order. You want to first turn on the air conditioner and heater separately and ensure they turn on and are operating properly. Read More»

Heat Up and Fight the Cold | Excellent Ideas for Warming Up Your Property

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Once you feel that cold wind blowing on your face and notice that the sky is turning grey, then you are receiving a sign from Mother Nature herself. Winter is coming.  When this happens, you need to ensure you have the best HVAC system up and running. However, having the best heating for your property may at times be challenging. That’s why you have to work closely with your contractor to install efficient systems for you. Read More»

Your Fridge Won't Cool? 3 Common Reasons and Solutions

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If you have no idea what is wrong with your fridge, how can you fix it? Keen observation is important if you want to repair your refrigerator successfully. Is the compartment for fresh food still warming even when the freezer is cold enough? Perhaps you have noticed earlier today that the glass of milk you left in your refrigerator last night was not cold. If this is the case, you must figure out why your refrigerator is not cooling. Read More»