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A Guide to Keeping Your A/C System Running Smoothly with Safety Measures

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Summertime is here, and with it comes soaring temperatures, making you grateful for the cool comfort of your air conditioning systems. However, keeping your A/C unit running smoothly all summer long requires a bit of maintenance work and, more importantly, safety measures. The following guide shares some tips and tricks to ensure that your A/C system stays cool and safe for use.

Regular A/C maintenance:

Regular maintenance of your A/C unit should never be missed. Getting an annual check-up of your A/C system can prevent major issues before they arise. The maintenance can include cleaning the coils, checking and changing the filter, lubricating the fan motor, checking electrical systems, and many more. A professional technician can do all these tasks efficiently and with the correct safety protocols. Regular maintenance can ensure that your A/C unit is running when you need it most.

Proper ventilation:

A/C units need proper ventilation to operate efficiently and safely. The outdoor unit should have plenty of open space around it, free of debris, plants, or other objects that could obstruct airflow. Indoor units should be installed with proper ductwork and kept in a well-ventilated space. If you notice that your system is struggling to keep your home cool, it could be due to restricted airflow, which can put a strain on your A/C system and pose a safety hazard.

Following instruction manuals and safety guidelines:

A/C units come with instruction manuals for a reason. Following those guidelines ensures your safety and the longevity of your system. Manufacturers give guidelines on proper installation instructions, handling, and maintenance. By following these instructions, you can avoid potential safety risks and expensive damage to your system.

Avoiding DIY repairs:

DIY repairs may seem like a convenient way to save money, but it could pose a safety risk. Handling coolant refrigerant requires proper training, certification, and equipment. Refrigerant can be dangerous if released into the air, especially if it is not handled and disposed of correctly. Leave repairs to the professionals who have the knowledge, skills, and equipment needed to ensure that your A/C unit runs safely and efficiently.

Keeping the A/C unit secure and protected:

Lastly, ensure that your A/C unit is secure by installing a fence or barrier around it and always keeping the doors and windows locked. This can prevent theft and tampering, which could result in damage to the system or even the theft of refrigerant. 

Regular maintenance, proper ventilation, following instruction manuals, avoiding DIY repairs, and keeping the A/C unit secure are just some of the safety measures you should implement to ensure your A/C system's longevity and safety. Remember, your A/C system keeps you cool and comfortable during the peak of summer, and in return, you should take care of it too. 

For more info about air conditioning, contact a local company. 
