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3 Critical Signs Your Air Conditioning Unit May Not Be Operating Efficiently

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Having a malfunctioning AC at the peak of summer is quite frustrating. To avoid these frustrations, it is important to hire a competent HVAC contractor to inspect your system regularly to check for any signs of faults and defects. Here are three critical signs that your air conditioning unit may not be operating efficiently.

Unusual Noises and Odours

Typically, your AC should not produce any smell. Furthermore, the unit should produce minimal noise that is not too loud or disruptive. If your AC deviates from these two norms, then the system might not be working optimally. A musty smell indicates the presence of mould in the AC or ductwork. On the other hand, a pungent odour suggests the burning of AC's wire insulation. 

Strange noises may emanate from cracking or wearing out of the AC components. It is advisable to take quick action when you notice any of these signs to prevent the problem from escalating. Call an air conditioning expert to determine the cause of the strange noises and odour and find the right solutions. 

Water or Moisture around the Unit

Another tell-tale sign that your air conditioning system is not working as required is water dripping from the unit. Moisture on the walls and ceiling might also signify that your AC is not in proper working condition. Moisture or water leakage from the unit results from blocked drain lines or a broken refrigerant. Failing to address this problem early can lead to more severe issues, including rust and mould growth in the unit and other places in your home. It is advisable to hire an HVAC contractor right away for the repair of the refrigerant and unclogging of drain lines and air filters. 

No Cool Air from the Unit

One of the obvious signs that your air conditioner is not in good shape is when it stops producing cool air. If the air coming from the vents is cool even after lowering the thermostat temperatures, the unit needs urgent professional inspection and repair. There are several reasons why your AC is failing to produce cool air, including a malfunctioning thermostat, dirty filters and inadequate refrigerant. If the airflow in the vents is weak and the rooms are not cooling uniformly, the AC's compressor could be failing. Seek professional help as soon as you notice these signs to restore the operation of your AC. 

An air conditioning system plays a critical role in a home. If the unit fails, your family will be in trouble during the summer. Therefore, you need to look out for the above signs and get the necessary repairs instantly. When looking for an HVAC contractor, you need to choose competent and authorised experts to enhance effectiveness. 

Reach out to an air conditioning service in your area for more information.
