Two situations in which a broken air conditioner in a commercial office must be repaired immediately
If the air conditioning system in a commercial office breaks down in one of the following situations, the owner or manager of the office should arrange for an air conditioner repair specialist to fix it immediately.
A heatwave is occurring and one or more of the staff members in the office suffer from hyperthyroidism
If a heatwave happens to be occurring when this equipment breaks down and one or more of the office employees suffers from hypothyroidism, then the repair of the air conditioner should be considered a matter of the utmost urgency and a local HVAC contractor should be contacted immediately.
The reason for this is that this health condition can lead to a person being unable to regulate the temperature of their body. People with this illness often find that they feel too warm, even when in relatively cool environments. If they stay in a very warm area (such as a stuffy office that has no functional air conditioner during a heatwave), there is a chance that their body temperature could rise to an excessively high level and put them at risk of developing heat-related conditions, such as heat stroke.
If the HVAC contractor is unable to come and fix the broken unit immediately, the employees who have this condition should be sent home or allowed to work in a different, air-conditioned building until the repair work can be performed.
The unit has broken during the summer and the office is in a skyscraper building whose windows do not open
If an office's air conditioner breaks during the summer and the office itself is in a skyscraper that has windows that do not open, then the manager of this office must prioritise the repair of the air conditioner.
The reason for this is that most commercial buildings are insulated fairly well. This insulation, combined with windows that cannot be opened, means that a building like this is reliant on its air conditioner to maintain cool temperatures that are safe for people to work in when the weather gets warm. Office spaces that are located near the top of this type of building can also become too hot because heat rises up to these spaces from the lower floors and then gets trapped in these areas.
As a result of these issues, a broken air conditioner could cause the ambient temperature in the office to go above the maximum temperature that is considered safe for workplaces, in which case the business that is being run from this space might need to be temporarily relocated or closed until this problem is addressed. As such, it is crucial for those who run the office to get the unit fixed by a contractor as soon as they possibly can.
For more information or to schedule an air conditioning repair, contact an HVAC contractor.